RZ - Breeding values for better health

Since 1876 the German Holstein breeder associations are known for quality and innovation. The German relative breeding values are considered international standard. For the first time, German breeding organizations for the Holstein and Red Holstein cattle bring into use direct genomic health breeding values. According to these new relative genomic breeding values sires can be pointed out that inherit their resilience to their offspring. Animal health within the herd can be improved rapidly, effectively and accurately without missing performance. The German Federal Association of Cattle and Pigs (Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V.) informs about the new breeding values with new information flyers in different languages. You can download the flyers here.
Cattle Breeds Brochures for Download

Germany has a broad spectrum of efficient cattle breeds. All forms of cattle farming (specialised dairy cattle farming, dual-purpose cattle farming as well as intensive and extensive beef cattle farming) can be successfully operated with German breeding cattle.
The German Livestock Association (BRS) has produced information brochures for the most important German cattle breeds:
- German Holstein
- German Simmental/Fleckvieh
- German Brown Swiss
- German Red Cattle/Angler
- Beef Cattle from Germany
The cattle breed brochures explain the particularities of each breed (breeding goals, genetic quality, breeding program, breeding value estimation for performance and health). Due to the great international demand for German breeding cattle, bovine semen and embryos, the cattle breed brochures are available in several language versions.

After an intensive work with all National Associations to redesign the breed positioning, the European Brown Swiss Federation is proud to unveil the new Brown Swiss communication through this new logo. As a result of a common desire to become stronger together, for the benefit of the breed and its breeders throughout Europe, this logo is standing for a unique message of the breed. Because from north to south and from east to west, we all breed Brown Swiss with the same passion and same economic and environmental goals.

For the first time, German breeding organizations for the Holstein and Red Holstein cattle bring into use direct genomic health breeding values. According to these new relative genomic breeding values sires can be pointed out that inherit their resilience to their offspring. Animal health within the herd can be improved rapidly, effectively and accurately without missing performance.
The official breeding values for direct health traits for the Holstein breed will be published from now on, divided into five categories:
- RZudderfit with traits on clinical and subclinical mastitis
- RZhoof with traits on hoof diseases
- RZmetabol with traits for metabolic diseases
- RZrepro with traits for reproduction disorders
- RZhealth as total breeding value, in which all four values are weighted according to their economic importance

The second day (27 June 2019) of the German Dairy Show was all about the red and black Holstein cows. In alternation, they populated the show ring, so that the 2,000 interested spectators got their money's worth. The new Supreme Champion Loh TJ Alessja was celebrated frenetically with soap bubbles and champagne shower. But one after the other. Organizer German Livestock Association from Bonn lured cow-loving farmers from all over Germany to the EWE Arena in Oldenburg with a new show concept. After the heifers of the red and black Holsteins had already chosen their winners yesterday evening, the second calf cows started the show this Thursday.